We have been involved in variety of dissemination activities and partnership work such as knowledge exchange/capacity building around the project. The following list is indicative of our activities so far:
Fyfe, N., Parr, H., Woolnough, P. and Stevenson, O. (2010) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences and responses’ – Introductory Knowledge Exchange Meeting with Grampian Police Force – 11th November 2010
Fyfe, N., Parr, H., Woolnough, P. and Stevenson, O. (2010) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences and responses’ – Introductory Knowledge Exchange Meeting at the Home Office (London) with Missing People, MPS and NPIA representatives – 12th November 2010
Fyfe, N., Parr, H., Woolnough, P. and Stevenson, O. (2010) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences and responses’ – Capacity building Event organised by Lucy Holmes (Missing People) as part of the ACPO Strategic Oversight Groups’ Research sub-group (along with Llian Alys (NPIA) and Zoe Hilton (CEOP)) – 12th November 2010
Fyfe, N., Parr, H., Woolnough, P. and Stevenson, O. (2011) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences, responses’. MISSING PEOPLE conference, The Court Room, Scottish Police College, Tulliallan, 6th June 2011
Parr, H. and Stevenson, O. (2011) ‘The Missing’. EXCURSIONS – TELLING STORIES and JOURNEYS: An Interdisciplinary Symposium, University of Glasgow 8-9th December.
Parr, H. (2012) Geographies of missing people: processes, experiences, responses. Missing geographies: UCL Seminar series, University College London 26th January.
Fyfe, N., Stevenson, O., Parr, H and Woolnough, P. (2012) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences, responses’. NATIONAL COMPACT (MISPER) USER GROUP MEETING, Hull, 8th February
Stevenson, O., Parr, H., Fyfe, N. and Woolnough, P. (2012) ‘The misper: police case files and writing geographies of missingness and search’. AAG Annual Meeting, New York, 24th – 28th February
Parr, H. and Stevenson, O. (2012) Geographies of missing people: processes, experiences, responses. Missing People Charity, London 23rd March
Fife, N. and Woolnough, P. (2012) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences and responses’. Joint Annual Missing Persons Conference, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry, 16 – 18th April.
Parr, H., Fife, N., Stevenson, O. and Woolnough, P. (2012) ‘Geographies of Missing People: processes, experiences and responses’, Dundee University, 24th May.
Stevenson, O., Parr, H., Fife, N. and Woolnough, P. (2012) ‘The misper’ and policing geographies of missingness, RGS-IBG Conference, Edinburgh, 3-5th July.
Parr, H. (2012) Geographies of absence-making: Sophie’s story, RGS-IBG Conference, Edinburgh, 3-5th July.
Fife, N., Stevenson, O., Parr, H. and Woolnough, P. The Police response to reports of Missing Persons – research on current practice, FBINAA European Chapter Personal Development session, Brussels, 5-6th September, 2012.
Stevenson, O., Woolnough, P., Parr, H and Fife, N. Police Responses to Missing Persons, Society of Evidence based Policing, University of Edinburgh, 13th February, 2013.
Fife, N., Stevenson, O., Parr, H and Woolnough, P. The Police Response to Missing Persons, UK FBINAA seminar, Lancashire Police HQ Hutton Hall, 12-13 March 2013.
Woolnough, P., Fife, N., Parr, H and Stevenson, O. Spatial and social profiling for missing persons investigations, Centre for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) – Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) joint symposium and congressional briefing on evidence-based policing, Washington DC, 8-10 April 2013.
Stevenson, O., Fife, N., Parr, H and Woolnough, P. Missing People: Narratives of missing experience, Centre for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) – Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) joint symposium and congressional briefing on evidence-based policing, Washington DC, 8-10 April 2013.
Parr, H ‘No news today: the use of ambiguous emotion and the absent presence of missing people’, Human Geography and Counselling studies Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 17th April, 2013.
Parr, H., Stevenson, O, Fife, N and Woolnough, P. Misper experience and family search knowledge, Missing Persons in a European context: research, practitioner and policy perspectives, Scotland House, Brussels, 17h May 2013.
Text-based dissemination includes:
Wednesday, 27th July 2011, The Missing Blog, A new research project about missing adults, Missing People website,
‘Researchers seek to understand experiences of missing people’ (04/02/11), SIPR News,
Geographies of missing people: processes, experiences and responses, SIPR Annual Report, 2011 (printed Jan 2012)