Influencing policing practice

In 2013 we created training materials for police officers, enabling them to envisage missing people’s journeys and stimulating new kinds of professional ‘geographical imaginations’ to inform operational searches. Penny and Nick and Olivia delivered these materials in different training forums during 2013 with excellent evaluation from serving officers. The main report also included a forward from the manager of the UK Missing People’s Bureau emphasising the implications for evidence-based practice.

‘Until now no research or study has been available to help explain why adults go missing and to explore their experiences. This research report has an immediate relevance and utility in evidence-based operational practice. From a policing perspective, translating the learning from this research study into evidence-based practice and then synthesising it with other practice will lead to huge improvements in safeguarding our most vulnerable people. This is a research study of true value and importance and it is a pleasure to welcome and commend this work’. Joe Apps, Manger of the UK Missing Persons Bureau, National Crime Agency