Publications & Project Reports
Academic papers
Parr H, Stevenson O and Woolnough P (submitted) ‘Searching for missing people: families living with ambiguous absence’ Emotion, Space and Society
Parr, H, Stevenson O, Fyfe N and Woolnough P (forthcoming 2015) ‘Living absence: the strange geographies of missing people’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Parr, H, and Stevenson, O. 2014 “No news today”: talk of witnessing with families of missing people’, Cultural Geographies (doi: 10.1177/1474474014530962) (Early Online Publication)
Parr, H, and Stevenson, O. 2014 ‘Sophie’s story: writing missing journeys’, Cultural Geographies 21 pp. 565-582
Parr H and Fyfe N. 2013 ‘Missing geographies’, Progress in Human Geography 37 pp. 615 – 638.
Professional/sector publications
Woolnough, P. Parr H. Stevenson, O. (forthcoming) ‘Investigating missing persons: learning from interviews with families’ Journal of Homicide and Major Incident Investigation 10 pp. tbc.
Forthcoming Stevenson, O. Parr, H, Woolnough and Fyfe N ‘Geographies of missing people’ in K Shalev-Greene (ed) The Handbook of Missing People (Ashgate)
Stevenson, O. Woolnough, P. and Parr, H. 2014 ‘Geographies of missing people: improving police education and response to missing persons’, Translational Criminology 6 pp. 22-25
Woolnough, P. Parr H. Stevenson, O. 2014 ‘Learning from missing persons: interviews with missing adults’ Journal of Homicide and Major Incident Investigation 9 pp. 14-25
Woolnough, P and Parr H, 2014 ‘Geographies of missing people: experiences and responses’ Police Professional Magazine March edition (
Stevenson, O. Woolnough, P. and Parr, H. 2013 ‘Geographies of Missing People: Improving Police Education and Response to Missing Persons’. Scottish Institute for Policing Research Annual Report Research features, Scotland, pp 28-30.
Project reports

Stevenson, O., Parr, H., Woolnough, P. and Fyfe, N. (2013) Geographies of Missing People: Processes Experiences and Responses, unpublished project report. Accessible via

Parr H and Stevenson O (2013) Missing People, Missing Voices: Stories of Missing Experience, unpublished project resource. Accessible via

Parr H and Stevenson O (2013) Families living with absence: Searching for missing people, unpublished project resource. Accessible via